Tom Angel Tom Angel

How to plant a tree

Planting a tree is reasonably straightforward, depening upon the size of the tree, but there are some really important things to get right. The most important thing, and most common error, is getting the planting depth correct. The next most common reason for trees that struggle or die, is a lack of watering in the days, weeks, months and initial years after planting. Correct staking is important too, and remembering to adjust stakes in the early years and then remove them after three years.

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Tom Angel Tom Angel

How to make your own bird feeder

Here is a setp-by-step way to make a bird feeder using an old pine cone or half of an empty coconut shell. The recipe is taken from the RHS Wildlife Gardening book by Kate Bradbury, which I can heartily recommend. As a garden designer with a real passion for bringing wildlife into my own garden in Glasgow, as well as the gardens I design and create for clients, I am passionate about spreading the word when it comes to biodiversity-friendly wildlife gardens.

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Tom Angel Tom Angel

How to lay a lawn

Laying a lawn requires methodical preparation, and if done correctly will reward you for years to come. Lawns must be laid on 6” (15cm) of good quality, cultivated and lightly compacted top soil. Most established gardens will have perfectly adequate soil quality - though bear in mind that this may very well not be the case on new build properties. When bringing in topsoil, always buy screened and sterilised topsoil that complies with BS3882.

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Tom Angel Tom Angel

How to plant a hedge

Hedges are best planted over the winter months, when plants are available ‘bare-root’. At this time of year the plants are dormant, so it is both the least costly and horticulturally best time of year to do this job. Once you have decided where your hedge is going to go, the most important job is to choose the best species. This isn’t just about whether you want evergreen or not, or whether you want a hedge with berries, it is about choosing a species that will thrive in the location.

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Tom Angel Tom Angel

How to create a wildlife garden

There are many ways that you can help increase biodiversity and wildlife in your garden. Some of the easiest include creating a small pond and letting an area of long grass grow. And don’t think having a pond needs to be a big messy job!

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Tom Angel Tom Angel

What is a Horticultural Consultant?

Horticultural consultants cover the full range of the profession - everything from growing cucumbers to helping recreate historic gardens. At Tom Angel Studio our expertise is soft landscape and grounds management consultancy. So whether you have been searching for a horticultural consultant or landscape consultant in Glasgow, Edinburgh, London, Birmingham, Manchester, or anywhere else across the UK, you have come to the right place for this kind of horticultural consultancy.

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