Japanese Knotweed Surveys

Tom Angel is an Independent Japanese Knotweed surveyor. Surveys are available in Glasgow, Edinburgh and across the central belt. Tom is a Certificated Japanese Knotweed Surveyor (CSJK) - the industry gold standard for invasive weed surveyors operated by the Property Care Association. If you suspect your garden may have Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam, Giant Hogweed or any of the many terrestrial plant species on the Schedule 9 invasive species list, Tom can provide an identification service and detailed management plan.

The first step is often sending some photos in by email - this stage costs nothing and may save you worry and cost if it turns out that you do not have the invasive weed that you initially suspected. If it does look like you may have an invasive weed species in your garden, or if it is deemed a closer inspection is required, then a site visit is arranged. The visit involves a detailed survey of your garden, and the production of an invasive weed management plan to guide you in how to control or eradicate the plants in your garden.

Tom is an independent CSJK surveyor, meaning that you can be assured pragmatic, practical advice that will help you find the most cost-effective way to ensure you are complying with the law, without going to excessive lengths that may be unnecessarily costly. In terms of carrying out the work, small infestations can be looked after by our team, and for larger jobs we can recommend trusted contractors.

If you think you may have Japanese Knotweed or any other invasive weed in your garden, give Tom a call on 0141 432 1141 for an informal chat, or send an email to tom@tomangel.co.uk.