Project: Re-planting & aftercare (commercial client)
Location: Argyll
We enjoy an ongoing relationship with this caravan park on the beautiful Argyll coast. After providing initial consultancy work to define the long-term project, planting designs were drawn up for different areas of the park. The new planting involves replacing traditional and tired-looking landscaping with parcels of naturalistic planting, successional planting of interesting tree species, and the re-planting of a number of areas with interesting but low maintenance shrubs.
The west coast of Scotland has an extremely good climate for horticulture, so we have been able to use plants that would not thrive to such an extent in other parts of the country. Our client is extremely open-minded and ambitious about the project, and we are enjoying helping to create a true legacy landscape.
As the new areas are designed and planted up, we take on the aftercare of the new areas of planting, whilst the general care of the grounds is undertaken by the excellent in-house team.